Voices from our lab


Food, microorganisms, and the immune system

The intestine serves as a crucial interface where food, microorganisms, and the immune system interact and influence human health. Immunologists are beginning to understand how our immune system recognizes food components and commensals as "non-self" while still maintaining homeostasis and tolerance. Additionally, we are uncovering how specific nutrients (e.g., fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins) and their microbial derivatives (e.g., secondary bile acids, short-chain fatty acids, tyramine) shape and affect the intestinal immune system. However, due to limitations in knowledge and technical constraints, a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic triad remains elusive.


A multidisciplinary approach integrating nutrition, microbiology, immunology, gastrointestinal physiology, and computer science is required to understand three key aspects of the field. First, advancements in techniques—including spatial metabolomics and metabolic flux, microbial engineering, in vivo functional screening, and machine learning—could begin to unravel the intricacies of innate sensing and microbial recognition. Ultimately, this would help construct a chemically based network linking nutrients, microbes, and the immune system. Second, high-throughput screening systems are needed to decipher antigen specificity of adaptive immune cells. Applying large language models to comprehensive databases of T or B cell receptors and their cognate antigens could enable epitope prediction or identify the type of corresponding receptor based on antigen sequence characteristics. Finally, insights from the above aspects could lead to more tailored approaches in immunotherapy and immune modulation, including dietary adjustments and administration of commensal microorganisms or metabolites. By leveraging individual immune profiles and understanding diet-microbe-immune interactions, precision immunotherapy would be better suited to improve health outcomes and optimize disease treatment efficacy.

