Congratulations to Yang Zan for receiving funding from the 2024 Youth Students Basic Research Projects (Ph.D. Students) The National Natural Science Foundation of China recently announced the funding results for the 2024 Youth Students Basic Research Projects (Ph.D. Students). Ph.D. student Yang Zan from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) was awarded funding for her proj...
朱书教授荣获第十一届“树兰医学青年奖” 2024年12月7日,第十一届“树兰医学奖”颁奖盛典在横琴隆重举行。中国科学技术大学生命科学与医学部副部长、基础医学院执行院长朱书教授,凭借其在肠道免疫感知与微生物精准治疗领域的研究,荣获“树兰医学青年奖”。 十三届全国人大常委会副委员长、四大慢病重大专项技术总师陈竺院士,树兰基金理事长郑树森院士和李兰娟院士莅临指导大会并向获奖者颁发证书、奖杯、铭牌。 树兰...
朱书教授荣登Cell“50位启迪未来的科学家”榜单 为庆祝Cell创刊50周年,Cell Press推出“50位启迪未来的科学家”栏目(50 Scientists that Inspire),聚焦全球范围内在科学研究中推动创新、跨越学科界限的卓越学者。中国科学技术大学朱书教授因其在微生物组与免疫系统交互领域的突破性研究成功入选并接受了Cell的专题采访,分享了他的研究历程、科学洞见以及对未来科学发展的展望。朱书教授现为中国科学技术大学生命科学与医...
Food, microorganisms, and the immune systemThe intestine serves as a crucial interface where food, microorganisms, and the immune system interact and influence human health. Immunologists are beginning to understand how our immune system recognizes food components and commensals as "non-self" while still maintaining homeostasis and tolerance. Additionally, we are uncovering how...