Innate Immune Group Members Attend 2023 2nd Annual Conference on Cell Death

Publisher:陶万银Release time:2023-10-31Browse times:117

Innate Immune Group Members Attend 2023 2nd Annual Conference on Cell Death


The 2nd Annual Conference of Cell Death Research Branch was recently held in Xiamen, Fujian, with the theme of Cell Death and Homeostatic Regulation. This meeting brought together many leading scholars to discuss the latest research progresses and frontier technologies in the field of cell death.


Seven members of the innate immune group and Professor Zhu Shu attended the meeting.



Over the years, Chinese scientists have made a series of internationally recognized significant research progresses in the field of cell death, including the regulation mechanism and important biological significance of cell apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis, ferroptosis, etc.


During the meeting, Professor Zhu gave a talk entitled The Intestinal immune responses toward microbes and food, sharing recent progresses of the lab in gut innate immune recognition of pathogenic microorganisms, symbiotic microorganisms, and food antigen. He also showed that how the gut immune system regulates cell death to adapt the environmental stimuli to maintain homeostasis.